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晨曦 | Dawnlight Crystal Bracelet
Inspiration Source:
"晨曦微露破晓时,霞光初照映碧池。At the break of dawn when dawnlight faintly gleams,The first rays of dawn illuminate the azure pond.
Vendor: Yijin crystal | chinese bracelet feng shui
Availability: In Stock
筆墨 | Writing Brush
Inspiration Source:"笔墨挥洒映书香,行云流水意悠长。Brush strokes paint a scholarly aura,flowing like clouds and water, endless in meaning.
Vendor: Yijin crystal | chinese bracelet feng shuiAvailability: In Stock
櫻花雨 | Cherry Blossom Rain
Inspiration Source:
Cherry blossoms fall as spring deepens,their delicate dance a mesmerizing red.
Vendor: Yijin crystal | chinese bracelet feng shui
Availability: In Stock
山海 | Mountain and Sea
相思 | Missing
Inspiration Source:"笔墨挥洒情思长,纸上流年映沧桑。Brush strokes reveal deep thoughts,on paper, the fleeting years reflect vicissitudes.
Vendor: Yijin Jewelry | chinese bracelet feng shuiAvailability: In Stock
竹韵 | Bamboo Rhythm
Inspiration Source:"笔墨挥洒绘山水,纸上流转竹声幽。Ink flows freely painting landscapes,on paper, whispers of bamboo resonate softly."
Vendor: Yijin crystal | chinese bracelet feng shuiAvailability: In Stock
清逸 | Elegance
清逸 | Elegance | chinese bracelet feng shui Inspiration Source:"檀香袅袅静心神,清幽飘逸似仙尘。The fragrance of sandalwood gently soothes the mind,its serene and ethereal quality like that of celestial dust. Vendor: Yijin crystal |...
锦鲤 | Koi Carp
Inspiration Source:"锦鲤悠然水中游,金碧辉煌映玉钩。Koi carp leisurely glide in the water,glinting gold and splendid under the jade-like crescent moon.
Vendor: Yijin crystal bead braceletAvailability: In Stock
临泉饮茶 | Drinking Tea by the Spring
Inspiration Source:"临泉石径踏青苔,煮茶品茗待客来。By the spring, on the stony path with mossy tread,brewing tea, savoring, awaiting guests to arrive. Cherry blossoms fall as spring deepens,their delicate dance a mesmerizing red. Vendor: Yijin...
貔貅 | Pixiu
Inspiration Source:"貔貅镇宅福满堂,驱邪避灾保安康。Pixiu guards the home, filling it with blessings,warding off evil and disasters, ensuring peace and well-being. Pixiu, a mythical beast in Chinese folklore, is revered for warding off evil,...
七彩云 | Seven-Colored Cloud
Inspiration Source:"七彩云飘映日辉,仙姿绰约入心扉。Seven-Colored Cloud floats, reflecting sun's glow,its ethereal beauty captivating the heart.
Vendor: Yijin crystalAvailability: In Stock
紫嫣 | Bauhinia
Inspiration Source:"紫嫣花开映晚霞,幽香浮动梦天涯。Ziyan blooms reflecting the evening glow,its fragrance floating in dreams to the horizon's end.
Vendor: Yijin crystalAvailability: In Stock